Saturday, November 13, 2010

Never Despair

Two hobbits were out on a perilous journey, with an extremely great task to fulfill. The world was crumpling down, malice was spreading in the land, and the power of the darkest evil was taking over. There wasn't much hope left to the Middle-Earthlings, and even on the side of mankind, darkness had begun to creep in and steal away the light of conscious mind.
And so, Frodo despaired.
But there was a rough, gardener's hand that patted him on the shoulder. Sam gazed into Frodo's tearful eyes and gave him these simple words of encouragement, "There's still some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."

We stand on a wretched land in our days, struck by disasters, one after another.
Tsunamis come and go, taking thousands of lives as they sweep over the islands. Earthquakes and avalanches massacre our people and turn our land into burial ground. Volcano eruptions kill hundreds of people and leave the rest living in refugee camps. Everywhere we hear cries of pain and see heavily-grieving faces.
And, as if it weren't enough, we find corruption and over-indulging luxury being treasured and concealed with political shroud among the elites.

Gazing at the misery of our people, would it be wrong if I despair?
Yet, even so, there's a small voice within me, that whispers these soothing words, "There's still some good left in this world, Love. And it's worth fighting for."
As I glance upon the faces of my sleeping children, I discreetly know it's true.

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