Monday, February 21, 2011

Understanding God

Understanding God is one extremely unfathomable subject.
Due to His infinity, perfection, and holiness, we, frail, imperfect, mortal creatures have difficulty comprising full knowledge of our God as much as a bloodhound trying to understand its master.

Many times, we fail.
Even God's servants fail.
Even prophets and holy men failed!

For one thing, God is invisible.
Whereas we tend to measure many aspects of life based on what is visible.
It's simply human.
And that's exactly the reason why we can't measure up to His standard.
How can we possibly use human standard to analyze God's greatness?

Nevertheless, we must be thankful for His great compassion, immeasurable love, and understanding of our weaknesses -- without which, we would all perish.
Only by God's grace, we live and have our being.

But how do we understand God?
Honestly, we can't.
It will be so much easier if we take ourselves as bloodhounds, and God is our master.
We can never understand our Master's thoughts, but we may well understand His commands.
That is what He provides us the Bible for.
Listen carefully to what He says, read the instructions He has inscribed, and we won't stray from His perfect way and will.

Then, perhaps one day, when we reach the invisible realm of infinity, we shall get the whole picture -- and understand Him as much as He understands us.

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