Monday, April 5, 2010

Parable of the Pipeline

Once upon a time, in a remote village, lived two brothers. They were water carriers. Every morning, at sunrise, the two of them went to the river a mile away from the village to fetch water for the whole village.
From time to time, they fetched water with buckets, carrying them all the way to the village, back and forth every morning, working hard to earn their wages.
However, as time went on, the younger brother thought to himself, “I can’t go on earning my living this way for the rest of my life! What will happen when I’m old?”
He sat down one evening, thinking hard.
Then, the next morning, the younger brother didn’t go to the river. He stayed home, making a pipeline!
He poured all his energy and concentration on this effort for some days (while his elder brother kept on fetching water). At last, when the pipeline was finished, he connected it from the village’s water tank to the river, and there came water flowing directly to the village without his having to fetch them.
The whole village praised the younger brother for his brilliance, and bought his pipeline. Finally, the younger brother didn’t simply stop carrying water for the rest of his life. He retired young – and retired rich!

The story above really did happen in reality. Nowadays, it inspires economists to establish the idea of Passive Income. This story is now widely known as the Parable of the Pipeline.
This parable talks about a river (cash flow), two brothers (workers), water buckets (their source of income), and a pipeline (a system that works without their having to run it). The elder brother talks about ordinary people who keep on doing their job from day to day, year to year, until they grow old and retire without the slightest idea to change their condition. The younger brother represents ordinary people who use their mind to find a better way to earn their living without their having to work hard day and night for the rest of their lives. At first, they need to abandon their water buckets (or simply list it as second priority) to concentrate on making a pipeline, a system that will pull cash flow their way for the rest of their days – in one effort!
Once the system is established, money will flow into their bank account for good, leaving out anxiety and hard-work behind. This sort of income that works for its owner without its owner having to work for it is called Passive Income.
Is there any system in the world that can drive Passive Income our way?
Of course there is!
Multilevel Marketing is one of such systems.
At first, you do have to pour quite some effort making your pipeline (network). But once your network is safely established, strong and firm, you can be sure that the system is finally running for you, driving cash flow into your bank account. All you need to do is maintain a good surveillance on your network.
Dare to retire young and rich?
Build your pipeline today!

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